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Our Adopt a Turkey Project is currently inactive. Please click here for information about our Adopt a Farm Animal Project which runs year round.

Price: $35.00
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Item #: FERRIS
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Ferris “The Underdog"

Ferris was going to be sold at a feed store, but when an employee contacted Second Chance Chickens Microsanctuary to save another young bird named Faye, Ferris got his chance to live, too. Both came to us at Farm Sanctuary, where Ferris lived a life of joy until he passed away this October. He loved to strut around, show off his feathers, and hang out with his best buddy Erol rooster. Mealtime was his favorite part of the day, and he never turned down extra snacks like blueberries and lentils. Through Adopt a Turkey, we’re telling Ferris’ story to help all turkeys.

Each Farm Sanctuary Adopt a Turkey sponsors receives:
  • A beautiful adoption certificate—your choice of digital or print—featuring a photo and details about your adopted turkey.
  • The chance to choose an adoption in honor of someone special in your life.
  • Our deepest thanks for supporting our rescue, education, and advocacy work on behalf of turkeys and other farm animals.

  • All donors will receive one digital certificate (in both PDF and JPG formats) for the turkey(s) they adopt, along with graphics and a video to share on social media.
  • Digital certificates are sent via email overnight on the day your order is placed.

About Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt a Turkey Project

Each year, the United States slaughters 46 million turkeys for Thanksgiving. Most live in severe crowding and confinement on factory farms and endure painful mutilations, including debeaking and toe removal without anesthesia. These living, feeling individuals deserve so much better.

Since 1986, Farm Sanctuary’s Adopt a Turkey Project has encouraged people to symbolically adopt a turkey at Thanksgiving instead of eating one. By highlighting the unique personalities and intelligence of turkeys—while also revealing the abuse they face in an exploitative food system—this beloved campaign has reached millions of people with a message of compassion. With a contribution today, you can symbolically adopt a rescued turkey living at Farm Sanctuary— or maximize your impact by sponsoring this year’s featured flock of four.

This year, we’re introducing The Besties package! Adopt Serena and Thelma turkey as a pair and you’ll help to support this pair of feathered friends for just $55. Choose a gift adoption and we’ll email a certificate to the bestie of your choosing to show them you care.